Calling All MAINNET Node Operators: Please Vote!
We’re overjoyed to announce the Oasis Core 23.0 MAINNET Upgrade proposal! We’ve worked hard to improve the Oasis Core, and we believe this upgrade will bring meaningful enhancements to the Oasis Network.
How to vote:
Visit the official Eden Upgrade documentation: Eden Upgrade | Oasis Documentation
Follow the step-by-step guide to cast your vote on a proposal identified by ID number 3.
The voting window is approximately one (1) week. Please cast your vote as soon as possible. Together, we can shape the future of the Oasis Network.
Key Details: About the Upgrade
Network: Oasis MAINNET
This is a breaking upgrade:bangbang:
Tentative Date & Time: 2023-11-29 8:30 UTC
Upgrade Epoch: 28017
Upgrade Version: Oasis Core 23.0.x
Your Voice Matters!
Your involvement is vital in shaping the future of the Oasis Network. A decisive 68% of the voting power is required to pass the proposal. Every vote counts, and yours is no exception.
Learn More
Dive into the details of the upgrade and the voting process. Every bit of information you need is just a click away: Eden Upgrade | Oasis Documentation