Explore the Oasis Competition is here! Win Oasis Swag 🤩

:star_struck: Who’s excited for a new competition ? I know we are! :star_struck:

Explore the Oasis is here :fire:

Thanks to Crew3, we’re able to bring you a month long competition where you get to explore our network, compete for the leaderboard and win Mystery Oasis Swag prizes :gift:

There are a lot of quests to claim on our Crew3 space so there’s a chance for everyone to claim one of our prizes :heart:

We hope you’ll have an amazing time finding out new things about our network and we’re sure you’re gonna enjoy wearing and using shiny Oasis branded swag :gem:

Competition ends on March 21st, so without further ado, here’s our Crew3 Competition space :point_down:


Any preview of Oasis Swag? :nerd_face:


Excellent event, it is a great opportunity for everyone, the tasks are easy to accomplish and I am sure the prizes will be great, hopefully I will be one of the winners, I encourage everyone to participate.

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That’s an amazing opportunity from the Oasis team to explore the network. Plus, the mystery prize sounds interesting. I am definitely in, can’t miss it! Let’s go!

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ok, I’m in. Good chance to learn more about Oasis :rose:

Catch a quick guide on how to start collecting points on the platform:


LFG! im ready for some more Wordle!