Oasis Web Wallet 1.5 & 1.6 Big Release!

Hey everyone!

We have big news for our Web Wallet :partying_face:

We listened to your feedback and we implemented a lot of new cool features :star_struck:

Updates 1.5 and 1.6 are both packed into this release and they come with the following main features :


Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Don’t attach copy handler to all InfoBox components (#1394)

  • Reduce bundle size (#1399)

  • Fix Google Translate crashing React at removeChild (#1382)

  • Improve derivation path display (#990, #1179)

  • Validate mnemonic words in MnemonicGrid (#1180)

  • Add version tag in footer (#1192, #1307)

Unreleased features and improvements

Internal Changes


Amazing, thank you! It’s great that Oasis keeps listening to feedback and keeps improving their web wallet =)

awesome project!!!, Thanks you for continue update news for our community