Exciting Event in Paris: Calling All Developers!

Most of you have probably heard it, but Oasis is hosting a special event in Paris for developers! Join them for a day of workshops, inspiring talks, and networking opportunities focused on privacy solutions and web3 development on the Oasis network.

:date: Save the date: July 19, 2023
:round_pushpin: Location: Paris, France

:white_check_mark: Engaging Workshops
:white_check_mark: Inspiring Talks
:white_check_mark: Networking Opportunities

The will probably be some surprises as well, and I’m jealous of any of you attending ^^


And don’t forget the launch of the P4W3 hackathon. Solidity developers and dApp builders have been eagerly waiting for it, and now they can learn all the details at the Oasis Rendezvous during EthCC. Partnered with Devpost, the Oasis-organized hackathon will see more privacy-enabled dApps coming to the web3 space.

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