Oasis Founder Mentioned in the ChatGPT Technical Report

Just found out that the Oasis Network’s founder Dawn Song was mentioned THREE times in the latest Chat GPT-4 Technical Report references :fire:

Exciting times ahead for AI and blockchain integration!

Link and screenshots :point_right: in the thread :point_left:


Wow, this is really great!


This is awesome!!! I am glad all of her publications are helping to make her important work more visible.

All of Dawn Song’s research papers are very conveniently available on Google Scholar.

:point_right: This link will take you to her profile page

On the profile page, you will see the list of all Dawn Song’s research publications, organized by the year of publication. Use the filters on the profile page to find articles on a specific topic or date range.

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Dawn is the real deal

Let’s see how all these amazing facts and fundamentals translate into growth of the network…


Thank you so much for this! I love reading Dawn’s papers

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oasis works with the world’s smartest team.

Wow this is really something commendable, this would amount or should i say translate to growth of the network with such facts.


Oasis founder Seems having a great knowlege about next Future… amazing.